Friday, March 23, 2012

Do Walmart sell this?

Due to arrive at LBV resort village and spa four weeks from today and trying to get organised.

I%26#39;ve been reading the forum posts for a number of weeks and have picked up some great tips, thanks to you all with a special thanks to Scan60 for bus info.

Can anyone tell me if Walmart sell Ribena really really light? I%26#39;m addicted to this stuff and if they don%26#39;t sell it I%26#39;ll have to bring my own.

Do Walmart sell this?

I know that you, Ticky, already know this, but just for the benefit of anyone else happening on this thread - there are no useful bus services within about a mile of this particular resort, and the walk is along a grass verge (no sidewalk) beside a 4-lane road.

Do Walmart sell this?

Not sure you will find Ribena in Walmart but I know you can order it on Amazon and have it delivered

no, we could not find it in walmart during our last visit. My son only drunk light ribena or robinsons NAS and we couldnt find either. If you do find ribena then its likely to be the normal one.

I have purchased the normal RIbena before however at a cost, it is in the English section at Walmart, along with Heinz baked beans etc. However you will pay through the roof for it, and not sure I have seen light Ribena. Sorry

If you really need it then I suggest taking it with you, however remember in your suitcase not your hand luggage. And pack it and wrap it and pack it and wrap it again and again, the last thing you want to find when you open your case is that it broke and all your holiday clothes are covered in stickey RIbena.

Good luck.

Thanks guys, I know the forum is very busy so appreciate your replies. I%26#39;ll bring a bottle with me and make sure it%26#39;s well wraped.

Wrap it well in cling film and then put it in one of the small bags you squeeze the air out of. The type you can pack undies in for travelling. Air compression. They are thicker than ordinary plactic bags.



Ah! The Blackcurrant drink they advertise for kids.

The chemical concoction that when analyzed by a high school science lab found out there were no Blackcurrants, in it just loaded with sugar an E numbers. Dont think you will find that in Walmart, but there is other US healthier equivalents.

I take bottles of robinsons with me every trip and all i do is put inside a bag and wrap a beach towel around it, then put that in a bag. If the bottle does break then the towel soaks it up and the carrier prevents it from travelling onto clothes.

But so far (touch wood) I have transported around 8 bottles over and none have broken.

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