Is anybody else having trouble when it comes to choosing your seat or meals, i can get into my booking and everything and i can see the buttons, but it wont let me do anything. After 25 mins on hold i got through to the so called web help desk and they told me that they were updating their site, but this has been going on for over a week know, so i thought they were fobbing me off for some reason. So i thougt i would ask on Trip Advisor.
Virgin Atlantic's Website
I have been trying to change a date of birth that is incorrect on my booking for the last 2 months!!!!
the site keeps saying theres a problem with my request!!! i have tried calling but the line is always so busy, i have 2 more weeks until we have to pay the balance so i will have to just call and wait i think in the end!!!
not just you, it,s been a problem for a long time....
Virgin Atlantic's Website
Hi Longlegs,
Thank you for your reply. Good luck with calling them as when you do get through it is sometimes hard to understand what they are saying, the fraze that comes to mind is: It is like banging your head against a brick wall...
I%26#39;ve just successfully updated my contact phone no.s. in the (newly updated) ';Update Booking'; section. My imminent fight isn%26#39;t to the US but I doubt that has anything to do with it. So it seems to be working OK. ??
I have just tried again but to no avail, and i can%26#39;t see any updated website, are you sure you are on Virgin Atlantic?
I have just booked to go to florida and was advised by my ta to log on to virgin and enter my passport number and details, I didnt even know were to start, can someone advise me
The person who told you to put in your detail%26#39;s, may have meant to go to API (advance passenger information).This on the left handside of the webpage, click on passenger information. Scroll down to API.
Dont forget to fill in the ESTA form also.
@ Popadople
Yes, quite sure.
Huh, the only problem I had when trying to select seats for a flight over 6 weeks off was there were no two seats together! On a 747! Crazy.
Thanks thats great
Virgin hold back 40% of seats for allocation at check in so providing you get there reasonably early you should be OK. Also bear in mind that they now hold back all the pairs of seats at the rear of the plane for ';SALE'; at check in. Someone will probably know exactly how much but over 拢25 for sure.
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