Hi, i am going 3 weeks tommorow to Florida, but with the poor exchange rate, has it hit the Brits with being to expensive? Has anyone just returned and thought it was mega expensive and cheaper to buy everything here in the UK? as ive been shopping around and it looks cheaper to buy everything here.
Has Orlando hit the credit crunch?
Hey Louise
My clients just came back and said it was more expensive, but don%26#39;t let it put you off! You%26#39;re gonna have a great time.
Has Orlando hit the credit crunch?
Lou256. It is more expensive than last year due to the changes in the exchange rate. However, one has to realise that the American prices on clothes especially, are cheaper than in the uk and with still nearer $1.5 dollars to the 拢, prices are still cheap. There are not many items, jewellery being the exception,that are cheaper in the UK.I am a bit of a shopaholic when it comes to clothes and a few examples of my purchases are as follows: Rockport shoes..UK 拢60-70, FL, about 拢40. Zippers..UK.拢30-40, USA (Echo) 拢20.Polo shirts (golf type) UK..拢20-40, USA (Izod/Van Heusen)..拢10-20. Levi jeans..UK 拢40-60, Fl, 拢20-30. Wrangler jeans..UK.拢20-40, Fl, 拢12. Just a few examples. Jason
I%26#39;m pretty sure that even if it was $1 to the pound, many items would still be cheaper there, particularly food. Comparitively speaking, it is obviously much more expensive than, say, last year, but in the overall scheme of things, it will always be less expensive than rip-off Britain. The tipping rates are still the same, by the way.
The US dollar at 2 to the pound was artificially high anyway and we were spolied by it.
Us brits better get used to it not being that good I think.
I have just paid for something on my credit card and the exchange rate has showed as $1.33!
Thankfully I got $1.60 in November from Crown Currency for our forthcoming holiday.
Yeah it is taking abit of a battering at the moment and whilst no one knows for sure, friends that work in currency in the city are predicting more drops.
We fly on sunday and have just changed $3000 with friends that had currency left at $1.58, we also have over $1000 left from our two trips last year that was changed at $2 and $1.85.
It is making it much more bearable, and i won%26#39;t be putting much on mastercard this time.
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